
Reaper, Pushing Daisies, and Wonderfalls . . . you just had to open up old wounds.

That's still on?!

rice cub

I love her. "Would've loved to hear about her showing up in the Weezer video." is something I would say before reading this.

One of my favorite jokes on My Name is Earl was when they said that Randy looked like that guy from Mallrats.

For a moment I enjoyed the idea of Boyle being the one behind the plot against Peralta. I know it's not that kind of show but watching it under that context gives everything Boyle does an incredibly creepy, sinister vibe now.

Like a sexy, sexy cheese

Crackle is the equivalent of that dish someone brings to a potluck that no one really wants to eat, but some people try it anyway just out of pity. I got rid of my cable so my only source for a handful of Seinfeld episodes and Newsradio reruns (but only season 5 because. . . why?) is tha Crackle. It's kind of

"What about me, guys? I have like, 9 or so random episodes for your viewing pleasure! In standard definition!"
- Crackle

Mm. Elizabeth Hurley. I will always remember her for:

I actually enjoyed Kiernan Shipka's over the top angry teen. Teenagers these days deserve to get taken down a peg or two if you ask me!

That is really the only thing I can see a positive in. There is an genuine sweetness in their interactions. At times it felt a little forced as I don't think they spent enough time to develop those little moments between them (then again the entire season kind of feels like that in a few respects) but I do hope more

Seconded. I loved that interview so much.

Somewhere someone else mentioned a switcheroo like that. It'd be really interesting if they pulled off something like that ala Harry Ioki in the original 21 Jump Street series.

As long as everyone agrees that it's at least terrible. I mean, Ms. Swan was a better attempt at an asian accent than that.

I really hope you're referring to that SNL sketch

Jerri Blank+Kimmy+Tammi Littlenut

There's nothing about the character besides his last name that remotely resembles Vietnamese culture. Dong is typically a Chinese or Korean name. His accent is straight Hollywood Chinglish. Whatever native language he's speaking is definitely not Vietnamese. But I think what really tops it off is that he doesn't


Whatever, everyone knows your bald