
I meant as they were heading back they must've passed the same group.

You set em up, I massively misinterpret 'em!

I just really am waiting for the moment when I am dubbed a true Master.

Jesus Christ. I need to read slower. "Michonne flirts by offering to go down on some zombie cops in front of Rick's face"

I'm thinking Glenn was referring to the zombies under the telephone pole that they passed initially.

Paul F Tompkins' suit reminded me of a turkey.

I didn't trust him because of his history with SHIELD.

Everyone gets matching red dyed flattops as a show of solidarity.

To be specific: Hitler the Artist or Hitler ,yknow, the other Hitler?

I call bullshit. While he has a penchant for oversized clothing, Kevin Smith is definitely not a Raver.

Please, Crichton352 is my father's name. Call me "ForCrizzle420"

All I could think was, "How in the world did he get 5 paragraphs out of this?!"

I've found that he's often the brightest spot as far as male performers.

"phony" like "Michael Jordan is so phony"?

Nah, while underutilized I thought she had a lot of potential.

When taking issue with Che, consider the source. Same dude that made lame comments about how blackface isn't offensive as well as tons of other borderline misogynist shit on his twitter. When he said what he said on Update last night I wasn't at all surprised.

The cold open and monologue were slightly disorienting. The cold open just . . .ended and the monologue oddly transitioned to the q & a part with no explanation. Cameron Diaz didn't even mention, if I remember correctly, what movie she was in. I seriously had no idea until the commercials.


All of her appearances have proved her to be game and I think she saved the episode from being truly forgettable. I was actually looking forward to her appearance and wasn't disappointed.

I haven't missed an episode of SNL in I forgot how long but I have no idea what Kenan character you're talking about