
Sound City started off great until they got to the part where the employees were talking about their financial troubles that seemed to have no solution in sight and then you think Dave Grohl is gonna help them out but instead he's just, "Uhhh well if you guys aren't using this here soundboard mind if I take it?

It's certainly possible that Silverman's mention in the monologue about how many of her jokes had to be toned down had something to do with it. At least I'd like that to be the explanation.


I think that's what largely bothered me about last night. All of the people who say they can't stand her comedy style will think this a fair representation of her talents when that's just not the case.

How his time guest hosting didn't get the same kind of evisceration that January Jones got is beyond me. It was so damn embarrassing.

I want to go to there.

"I am hip to the musics of today"


I want Nasim Pedrad to do well but goddamnit if I have to look at that goddamn hipster on steroids freak in the ads one more time I'm gonna lose it!

I'm not sure if I've loved an opening monologue more than this one. All of those pretaped sketches worked for me but with the exception of the supportive women one was really disappointed in the live sketches. Pretty much none of them had an ending and I was distracted during the river boat sketch. Were they lip

Read her book or listen to some of her interviews. When she's not super entertain-y, she comes off as a really genuine, nice person.

As soon as this review started with "Lance Hunter" I replied "why are we supposed to ca-" and you finished that for me, thanks.

If she resurrects her character "Chinese take out" box from the Lunch Lady song I can die happy. Pretty sure that was the moment when I developed a crush on her.

I assume its due to the fact that its largely the same songwriters getting hired. Just look no further than Max Martin (who wrote one of Grande's songs she performed). He's pretty much single handedly written every commercial pop hit in the last 20 years.

My reaction to Hammond's almost comatose announcing was like how a child reacts to their new stepfather.

Marvel's Pam.
Cecily Strong's disaffected sister in the Lion-O sketch,
Big Fat Ass,
Pete Davidson
Leslie Jones' chaotic nature
and Vanessa Bayer's video game character

The moment during the goodnights where the two of them are just looking at each other closely and smooching momentarily made me want to bawl my eyes out knowing I could never have a love like they do.

Thank you so much for that.

I liked a lot of this but not crazy about the potatoheadness of Buffy's character design.

She really evened out Seinfeld's douchy elitism in that episode.