The best person in the world

Corny dialogue.
I think the corny dialogue worked for the games in a way that wouldn't work for films. The first one wouldn't have been half the game it was if they had taken themselves too seriously. It was like playing a B movie; which is exactly what I want to play.

I'm not reading any of the comments, or even the column itself,
but The Hater isn't what it used to be, and you're all clueless hipsters, elitists, rednecks, morons and queers who don't care about the problems I care about. November the ninth, George Bush, go back to bed America, Misanthrope, blah, blah, blah, I am

I agree with you hatin'
Everyone is a stupid fuck. Unfortunately, you have resorted to a shitty gimmick in your post, so you are also a stupid fuck. Therefore I am better than everyone here once again. That's all this stupid, waste of time, piece of shit internet is for anyway, isn't it?

Some of the people who posted here were black….
And I couldn't tell which posters were black people and which were white people. There may have been some oriental Chinese people posting too, but you expect that because they love the internet so much. But can anyone say for certain which of the above posters were