
Much more sense than it happening at Carol's hands: both he and she have had similar journeys.

Oh, God, this one creeps me out. I hate being alone with him. If he touches me, I swear to God I'm gonna freak out.

Oh I lost it there. TMI

Trump's a politician now?

Dennis is God.

No, that bitch meant it.

Goody gum drops. Her non-mention this ep was weird.

Now that we've been told exactly what's required of writing for Sunny, and these frozen caricatures, kbiz, we're all wondering when you plan on paying us?

That bird looked like she was going to tear Charlie's arm off.

Loved Matt Shakman's direction. The cameras seemed as jerky and irritable as the gang, capturing some range of expressions. The cast were on top form.

On childlike, I wonder about his coming out on that cruise. Wasn't he thrown out by the gays? I'll bet that had something to do with not getting relationship boundaries.

I doubt we'll see this in PTSDee, but I wonder where Carmen has gotten to? If Always Sunny were in real time, Dee's offspring would be six years old. Presumably its been an expensive crack habit for the surrogate parents.