Or Goldeneye.
Or Goldeneye.
Those are usually my wheelhouse too but I guess the isometric (thanks, Newton Gimmick — couldn't remember the word) perspective didn't work for me.
That was the 3/4ths perspective one, yes? I vaguely remember renting it once but it never really stuck with me.
It got something better: a remake by WayForward. As far as I can tell still the only game ever made with a "hug" button! And a final stage that is balls-out awesome thanks to a transformation that would never have landed in the original.
Yeah I don't think I'll hit the full impact here until ~11am next Thursday.
Not according to this: https://www.youtube.com/wat… (/explain the joke)
Speaking of LT video games… Duck Amuck was made into a WarioWare-like minigame complication (developed by WayForward) for the DS a while back.
"Championship belts should be handed out more"? Is your brother Vince Russo?
A surprising number of Looney Toons shorts ended with a character blowing their head off, usually following a "Now he tells me!" that I'm sure was a riff on some celebrity catch phrase at the time. Much like The Muppet Show ("every sketch ends in one of two ways: someone blows up, or someone gets eaten") I think it…
Daffy Duck's Fantastic (Funtastic?) Island deserves a mention too. I watched that one a lot as a kid.
I still invoke this whenever a video game character has a big overhead swing with a blade.
What they are, officially, is "cute".
I still laugh harder and longer at this than just about anything else.
The physical pinball industry might be dead, but Zen Studios is doing good work in the virtual arena with a lot of great tables, both licensed and original.
Addams Family is the shit, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Fun House due to great times with my dad.
Eventually he could look to crowdsource it ala Mighty No9, but yeah it's depressing as hell until/unless that happens.
Technically yes but I think they're calling them separate seasons to avoid Season's 4 "part one" and "part two" confusion.
Also he eats good books. Or at least that's what I've heard.
For starters, don't knock up your followers.
I don't like cold pizza at all, personally. I was just relaying Pascal's random thought.