Chris Ingersoll

"I believe there’s a mention of Bashir and O’Brien’s Alamo program at one point. I’m trying to keep up on these."

Yeah Sid's passing had me casting a weary eye in Mel's direction too. :\

Pretty sure Stan Lee's death will temporarily break the internet.

as Kasidy reminds Sisko, the Vulcans are three times stronger than a human

My college roommate was (is?) a part-time softball ump and that might be his favorite line from any Trek ever.

Does anyone else find it weird that everyone signs using Earth-style letters?

Although to be fair, I shudder to think of the reaction a typical ECW crowd would have given a transgender competitor.

What if it were broadcast in black and white like the game?

I'm no fan of reality TV, but I would be incredibly tempted to tune into the Deathwatch Games from MadWorld. I guess in a similar vein SmashTV counts too. "Total carnage! I love it!"

I manage my backlog by not having much of one to speak of. I think right now my only real backlog consists of Oracle of Ages (almost finished, but lost a substantial amount of progress due to save state/actual save file confusion before MH3U arrived) and Oracle of Seasons (bought but not started since I wanted to

Cruel Tricks had a home-video equivalent as well. I forget/don't know/don't care which came first, but I owned both at one point.

Are we including anime — specifically Studio Ghibli, although some other stuff could be considered as well — in this discussion? If no, then probably not.

Eh, BBBB gets a pass for being the final time the show gets to have fun.

Right? When one of them dies will every appearance by the other count?

This is my fear. That we get some sort of mash-up of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" and "Lord of the Rings" starring Jace Beleren and Nicol Bolas.

ACTING Grand Nagus Brunt.

Obviously, but I was more curious as too how much was spoiled. Just the name is probably fine, but any more than that…

This weekend — and most of the holiday break — will probably be more board game-oriented as my kickstarter copies of Devastation of Indines and Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia both arrived this week. Other than that it will just be my usual Scallops & Snowmen Animal Crossing duties and maybe some Monster Hunting if

"Took me forever to get rid of the Russian accent" is a hilarious callback, too.