Chris Ingersoll

…will look like a walk in the park on a sunny day compared to what follows them.

As soon as I read that anecdote, I knew someone was going to make a comment like this. Even if that someone had to be me. :)

The second half of Gargoyles Season 2 was finally released earlier this year, but is exclusive to Disney's private Columbia House club deal (Club Disney?). I got mine via eBay. If we never get "The Goliath Chronicles" that's no great loss. :P

I'm approximately five hours away from picking up A Link Between Worlds and expect that to occupy the entirety of my weekend that isn't already pre-booked by Magic, ACNL, Catching Fire, or a TSO concert. Which is good, because I need some time away from Senran Kagura Burst for mental health reasons.

I have gone on record as listing MM2 as my favorite despite believing the MM3 is the superior game. MM3 adds Rush and the slide without having the charging Mega Buster, making it basically my perfect classic MM title; the Doc Robot stages are also insanely hard.

Yeah I actually submitted a bug report for that one. Didn't think to plumb the archives.

No, I'd bet that Kira occupies more than just one PADD of Dukat's presentation. Maybe he just shows the one.

I thought that was O'Brien/Bashir/Dax's enemy?

Man, Sisko's argument in BBBB has so many holes in it once you stop considering races of human and start looking at the different actual species that enter the establishment equally without incident.

Yay, my Thursdays are complete again!

Two more words: terrorist attack.

Hey they performed at least two other songs. One time each. At least… parts of them.

Yeah that's a good one to have handy as I get older.

If we could do my wife's and my ceremony over again, it would probably bear a strong resemblance to this one.

The Klingon wedding speech/routine kills me every time. That is just an awesome way to handle a wedding ceremony.

I would so totally watch a Martok/Sirella sitcom. Something like Married… with Targs.

The same could be/have been said about Homer Simpson but that got old pretty fast for me. Better to mix it up.

Yeah I got a notification for DS9 pointing to this article and immediately had two thoughts: 1) "Gotta be Far Beyond the Stars," and 2) "Oh crap, Zach hasn't made it that far yet!"

Alternately, "Wax". Which might be more appropriate.

I believe the line is "your favorite movie is", which makes it worse in a way.