Chris Ingersoll

As is the entire run of Tiffany Aching books, "young adult" content or not.

Yeah I kind of agree with this. Although if he really is looking, I'm sure Cartoon Network/Adult Swim would love to have this show back in their rotation. Hell, put it on in the same block as Venture Brothers for quite possibly the geekiest hour of animation on cable.

I'm not 100% sure, but I thought I remembered seeing Space Mountain in the background.

Yeah I can't possibly like this enough, and for the same reason.

Went into this desperately hoping to see the Trial of Lockheed from (original) Excalibur 40, but knew it wasn't going to be likely.

The fact that we find out about the sabotage because future Odo links with past/present Odo is an incredible dick move. "Here, past me. Live with this knowledge for the rest of your existence!"

Yeah I hope that BNB analogy comes back when appropriate.

Well the good news there is that only has to happen once (Jadzia's immediate offspring). Assuming she produced more than one kid, every new joined Trill-dilute could be a cousin and get more distant from there. Still sharing Jadzia's mitochondiral DNA (or Trill equivalent), but at least not a direct inheritance.

"while I complain about the Ferengi, every hour we’ve spent with them is so, so much better than it could’ve been"

I believe the female changeling says she's doing so to make Odo feel more comfortable. Which is fine when he's around, but kind of falls apart when he isn't.

as the traitorous Cypher will later point out, this isn’t really an
informed choice, because Morpheus doesn’t provide sufficient

His commentary on marriage is golden.

Still, there’s no official word from Disney as to how the relatively
CGI-looking Merida will fit in with the rest of the more hand-drawn

Alt-text to the alt-text: "Are you sure?"

Thank you. I remember seeing a sex scene in that movie and was getting quite confused reading the entry here.

Also, at least a couple of cross-over episodes.

I usually stop that sentence about halfway through.

Just wanted to say that the opening paragraph neatly summarizes why this is my favorite Trek series. Well put!

And she taught the Robot Devil!

For some reason my wife and I are always drawn to