Chris Ingersoll

Ever since "Necessary Evil" of season 2 the producers wanted to do
another Terok Nor episode, but wanted to avoid another flashback or time
travel episode. Writer Michael Taylor came up with the idea of a
subconscious "gateway" to the past. His original pitch involved nested
dreams amongst the four characters until

No. :D

Also "We will destroy them."

I'm a fan of his lines in "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" myself.

From the highs of Tribbles to the lows of Riza. Urgh.

In a rare act of self-censoring, the DCAU team edited a Joker line about the two of them from "busy little beavers" to "busy little bees". They didn't think S&P would have caught it (which IMO might have made it worse somehow), but still.

My MA hometown features the northern terminus of 128. It ends in a rotary, which is the single most insane thing I've ever experienced since technically the cars in the rotary have the right-of-way so the cars that come blasting down 128 at 55+ are expected to yield to them.

"Dax basically just hangs out in the background, offering advice and occasional sarcasm. (She’s like a living Twitter feed!)"

Yeah the female changeling is never named. I don't think the Founders even have names unless they grew up outside the Link and were given them by others.

@avclub-cb7859448043deafb0efb23909344857:disqus If the Chief had been looking to purchase self-sealing stembolts it would be even harder to tell.


Sure there is. "It isn't a two-parter" comes to mind.

He's probably allergic, just because.

End of season next week? Does that mean we have to sit through another string of no-DS9 Thursdays for a while? Please say "no"…


The Quickening may contain one of the finest moments ever for a character that doesn't get many fine moments.

I just want Disney to release the remaining seasons of The Muppet Show and Gargoyles (even if it means I would have to own "The Goliath Chronicles") on DVD. Why is that asking so much?!

"the arrival of Brunt and his thugs to take care of the problem"

That mute guy ("Kit-Kat") was David Caruso before he meant anything.

Good news! You'll eventually get your theorized Dukat arc played out mostly on-screen.