I wonder if the names for Troi and Tasha were switched at some point, given Denise Crosby's name? Maybe Rosalind nearly ended up in a non-uniform (later blue/green)…
I wonder if the names for Troi and Tasha were switched at some point, given Denise Crosby's name? Maybe Rosalind nearly ended up in a non-uniform (later blue/green)…
I wonder if the names for Troi and Tasha were switched at some point, given Denise Crosby's name? Maybe Rosalind nearly ended up in a non-uniform (later blue/green)…
No, I think that one is pretty solid. And gets an amusing obscure callback later on.
No, I think that one is pretty solid. And gets an amusing obscure callback later on.
There wouldn't (shouldn't) have been chafing, as none of that product was being actively harvested, as it were. Just collected after natural processes, like the morning dew (or Dew, I guess).
There wouldn't (shouldn't) have been chafing, as none of that product was being actively harvested, as it were. Just collected after natural processes, like the morning dew (or Dew, I guess).
"Explorers" really throws an interesting twist into Bajoran-Cardassian relations (in all meanings of the word). I had somehow missed that episode during the original run and it really wowed me once I picked up the series on DVD.
"Explorers" really throws an interesting twist into Bajoran-Cardassian relations (in all meanings of the word). I had somehow missed that episode during the original run and it really wowed me once I picked up the series on DVD.
Wow. Zach's gonna need some whiplash protection for that week.
Wow. Zach's gonna need some whiplash protection for that week.
Almost proof that being the universe's bitch might be an inheritable part of O'Brien DNA. Poor Yoshi…
Almost proof that being the universe's bitch might be an inheritable part of O'Brien DNA. Poor Yoshi…
I vastly prefer "Facets," if only for the excuse it gives everyone else to act out of character without the Mirror Universe being involved.
I vastly prefer "Facets," if only for the excuse it gives everyone else to act out of character without the Mirror Universe being involved.
You wouldn't even need to dedicate more than a single summer to it, probably.
You wouldn't even need to dedicate more than a single summer to it, probably.
"Alas, poor Yorick" (or, "Yo, check out Skullhead") was good too.
"Alas, poor Yorick" (or, "Yo, check out Skullhead") was good too.
This. It is never incorrect to consider "Upperclass Twit of the Year" to be the best sketch.
This. It is never incorrect to consider "Upperclass Twit of the Year" to be the best sketch.