Chris Ingersoll

Not all of us… my current subscription was due to expire in March 2014.

Not all of us… my current subscription was due to expire in March 2014.

Any excuse to name-drop the best baseball game of all time is fine by me. Seriously: robots playing baseball, and participating in 2D-fighter style brawls to see if you get tagged out? And if you destroy enough of the opposing team via those combats the game ends early with you as the victor? Cannot be topped.

Any excuse to name-drop the best baseball game of all time is fine by me. Seriously: robots playing baseball, and participating in 2D-fighter style brawls to see if you get tagged out? And if you destroy enough of the opposing team via those combats the game ends early with you as the victor? Cannot be topped.

Well… not always. But much more often than not.

Well… not always. But much more often than not.

I love the way they just completely handwave that.

I love the way they just completely handwave that.

If it means we get back to DS9 then I will be happy to wait for the return of Flying Circus.

If it means we get back to DS9 then I will be happy to wait for the return of Flying Circus.



I still hear Idle's voice in my head whenever Pratchett writes new Discworld stuff featuring Rincewind, thanks to those two PC Adventure games.

To be fair, I think it was injuries catching up with him more than it was Big Show. I believe the original plan was for Henry to be the one to lose to Sheamus at WM (still in 18 seconds) but they needed to audible — something the writers have NEVER been good at.

To be fair, I think it was injuries catching up with him more than it was Big Show. I believe the original plan was for Henry to be the one to lose to Sheamus at WM (still in 18 seconds) but they needed to audible — something the writers have NEVER been good at.

It's not even all we've got out of it to date. The Incredibles has had several comic books made that are perfectly fine.

It's not even all we've got out of it to date. The Incredibles has had several comic books made that are perfectly fine.

"For some half a dozen years, Attack Of The Show has been G4’s best excuse for its existence."

"For some half a dozen years, Attack Of The Show has been G4’s best excuse for its existence."

Pfft.  The sex material in that movie is fine. Mr Creosote, on the other hand…