Pfft. The sex material in that movie is fine. Mr Creosote, on the other hand…
Pfft. The sex material in that movie is fine. Mr Creosote, on the other hand…
Not really a late-career switch for Pratchett as it is a return to stuff he's done before, with books like "Strata" and "Dark Side of the Sun," among others.
Not really a late-career switch for Pratchett as it is a return to stuff he's done before, with books like "Strata" and "Dark Side of the Sun," among others.
No, but I remember that them cancelling it to effectively make room for more "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" was the driving force behind my abandoning network TV.
No, but I remember that them cancelling it to effectively make room for more "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" was the driving force behind my abandoning network TV.