bee man caught in sting

The AC Club is a much more awesome site that Horta and I go to. There's a thread on the top ten best brands of freon that has like 1500 posts.

Yeah, seriously. Like that lameass Da Vinci. And Shakespeare, what a hack. The writers of Must Love Dogs tower over them.

The other star of "My Secret Identity"? Check and mate, buddy.

Who cares? If anything, the movie's success would help to keep the comic in print and widely available. Anyone who isn't going to read the comic because of the movie probably wouldn't have read it anyway. And even if these things were not true, it's silly to worry about what media other people are consuming.

Bah, new music sucks.

Seriously, though
Doesn't warner Bros. have, like, lawyers on staff? Because this seems like something that even a first year associate would know to clear up before several million dollars were spent.

Ridiculously overwrought snobbery from comic book fans never fails to amuse me.

Disingenuous mountebanks with their subliminal chicanery! A pox upon them!

I've never heard of Butoh until this moment, and the American media seems just as happy to ignore it. But one thing is apparent about it: it does exist. So I don't see why it's so far-fetched to think that you could go to Japan and meet a butoh artist.

Should I feel bad
that I think that girl is hot?

The local news used to have this stupid "trends" reporter (maybe they still do) and she was reporting on something related to rap (probably hip hop themed aerobics or something). So they decided to write her whole story in "rap" format. The whole story had the exact same rhythm as "The Night Before Christmas".

This is my real picture.

I gave my cats these really creative names, but I've never really called them anything other than "Kitty" and "Other Kitty". Somehow it doesn't really seem like they need names, considering they aren't about to start taking orders.

The reason that they can't remake Dirty Dozen is that we have no equivalent to Lee Marvin today. Seriously, I was trying to think of one and nobody comes to mind.

It's just a genre film done really well. You're overthinking it. Who doesn't love heist movies?

Also, half of my comments don't post. And I never know if they actually did post and there's just a lag, so I let it go to avoid triple posting.

Smiley Face was dumb. I usually like stoner movies. I like Anna Faris as much as the next guy, and she even kind of reminded me of an old girlfriend of mine. But the plot was just haphazard and unamusing.

Storytelling is terrible.

This stuff I'm typing here
I can't see it. I can reply just fine, but if I start a topic, I gotta do it blind. And every page takes like 30 seconds to fully load.

I've only had birch beer a few times. There's a (kickass )sandwich shop run by some guidos from Jersey that has birch beer in bottles and I get one every time I go there for a ridiculously oversized reuben sandwich.