bee man caught in sting

it's just four or five cats off in the 'Lac now

ZMF has no race or gender. He is a creature of pure ownage.

I don't think I've even bought a new album this year. I can talk about a two year old Dr. John album that I've been listening to a lot, though.

No shit, where's the "least essential" list. Mean reviews are always the most fun to read.

Hell no. Seeing ZMF's entry incinirated my brain. He's more famous that some of these lamers.

I tried Google, but no luck. She's more elusive than the Yeti.

So how is John Hamm?
Is this going to ruin my man-crush?

Niggling detail, but it was a "small town" existence, not a rural one. And he eventually split the difference by returning to a small town and filling himself with alcohol.

Oh Amelie
there is too much love in this hate.

Oh those non-whites!
They sure are colorful!

I used to have this game
Those licensing exams were a bitch. I wonder if they made it into the movie version.

I hope this doesn't happen because I'm working on an "independent film" called Ass Ponies and I don't want anyone getting confused.

An update of Hit and Run with a genuine open world Springfield would be FUCKING SWEET. Make it happen, somebody!

I hope people don't think I was saying there was something wrong with mixed race dating. I was saying something else but I'm just going to shut up about it now, thanks.

They'd blow all the money on booze and you know it.

I'm still annoyed we haven't seen a picture of her. I suspect she's cute. And while we know she's talented, I think women should be judge primarily by their attractiveness.

"straight-acting" always sounds kind of sad to me. Sort of the equivalent of black dudes who only date light-skinned women. But then again, I'm a pale cracka-ass-cracka who goes nuts for brown skinned ladies, so to each their own I suppose.

This is such a random thing to happen
Only on the AVClub would I learn something like this. So, by "fan-funded", we're talking a nerd who got rich and decided to fund some fantasy that only he had, right?

I'm with you on Superman's lameness. On top of being TOO good, he's also TOO powerful. I mean, he's basically indestructible unless you have some rock that doesn't exist in this galaxy. The fact that badguys somehow find ways to get their hands on it all the time just shows what a clusterfuck the whole setup is.

I wish my girlfriend would stop telling strangers about my di…waitaminute…YOU SON OF A BITCH!