bee man caught in sting

Ok, so is it just me
or does this Gerard Butler fellow bear a vague resemblance to a young Randy Quaid?

I thought I would like it too. It seemed like it was just a bunch of inside jokes and annoying postmodernism. I would like to see the movie that it was hinting at.

Amy Winehouse is gross but I bet she fucks like a jackrabbit. Add the drugs to the equation and it sounds like a good time.

I rented Sukiyaki Western Django recently and it sucked balls. I don't know if he "presented" that one, but he's in the opening scene.

Death Proof was boring by any standard, but considering that it was theoretically a car chase movie, it's just ridiculous.

I think you may be right. I just remembered he also "presented" Chungking Express. Maybe I spoke too soon.

Tarantino presents
is a guarantee that the movie you are about to watch is total crap. Tarantino is a very talented director with awful, awful taste in movies.

Having just read Wonderglen.com
I think we have a different definition of "really, really funny". I would define this as "sort of funny. sort of"

Yeah, no shit. Everything they are accused of sounds like something a lot of people would pay them good money for.

6 way moustache rides, 6 cents

Your friends are very different from mine.

hungry people will eat all kinds of things.

that would be….wait….hold on…carry the 4…

Ok, but I'm a Tibetan Jew.

The movie The Straight Story comes to mind.

Dino, some smart guy registered my previously unregistered "Bee Man" name, so I went back to this one. Strangely enough, someone was also using "bee man caught in a sting" the other day, but instead of posting racist or embarassing things, he was posting completely reasonable and normal stuff.

It's not so much the penis going in as it is the baby's heads coming out. I mean, my penis is roughly the size and shape of a newborn baby, but I'll bet that does not apply to most men.

Well, if that happens, it's God's will.

Actually, what we're thinking
is "dear god, can you imagine what her vagina is like at this point? It has to be like the blast crater of a comet!"

Not to be a buzzkill, but a circus roustabout sets up the tents and whatnot. I think you're looking for "carnival barking"