two against five

Wait, which part don't you want to hear about? My friends reaction to a movie they should have seen twenty years ago or the bizarre scheduling conflicts we have despite the fact that we all live in the same house?

I love Commando because it is super dumb.

Well, I guess with the movie coming out an all, but I also recently discovered that neither of my two housemates have seen any Predator movies, despite them both being huge Terminator fans who grew up in the eighties. Which is a situation I will take care of as soon as… well, as soon as the three of us have

I liked Mars until Sailor Jupiter showed up. She was the team bruiser and obsessed with cooking! Also she seemed surprisingly even-tempered without being mousy like Mercury.

I've got Jack Finney's "Time and Again" so I'd be able to time travel between the late 60s "present" and the late 1800s? Sounds pretty sweet! And I'd be in New York making a living as a graphic artist, I guess.

Putting Jonah Hill in a movie is a good way to dissuade me from seeing it.

@The Quirk - yes there's a showcase Hex. It may be out of print now, I got my copy used.

I will also voice my support for Lion in Winter and Zero Effect

I like 'em! but… I'm a girl.

Yeah, I enjoyed watching the Spirit- I laughed the whole way through it! It was supposed to be a comedy, right? It was like watching everything that's wrong with Frank Miller in capital letters, bold type, a mile high!

Dude! Yeah! The Spirit. Now that was an *amazingly* awful movie.

Elektra was worse (than Daredevil- I haven't seen Hex yet)! And I've read a bunch of Hex comics from different eras and… none of them are that supernatural. (well, there were zombies and spirits in the 90s, but Hex himself doesn't have superpowers) Anyway, regardless, I will still be seeing this because, obviously,

I was the only person in the theater when I saw it and they never bothered to dim the lights! Still, I liked the hell out of this movie.

I agree with Chartex. I love Shane Black as much as the next girl who's, um, obsessed with eighties action movies, but I've always found the Monster Squad love on this site baffling. It's cute, it's entertaining, but it's not great.

Where's the sign-up sheet for this Ghost Rider/ Crank movie field trip?
I'm in!

we used to watch Robotech in home room. I never figured out why.

@ I don't read as much as I should

My problem with this movie (besides all the logistical problems of overly elaborate revenge) is that I didn't find the villain very interesting. Whereas "The Marine" is a guilty pleasure for me because Robert Patrick is AMAZING, this movie is pretty much charisma-free. I need a villain worth rooting for!

The Lady From Shanghai
Orson Welles is being defended at his murder trial by the lawyer whose partner he's accused of killing and whose wife he's having an affair with? If that's not a conflict of interest, what is?

Oh, but in this movie he says even less and kills even more.