
Whoa whoa whoa, thank you for bringing the kid from About a Boy to my attention. When the fuck did he get so hot? He was so gross looking in that movie. Yowza!!!

That's what I was thinking. DowdyBoyfriend and I were discussing this last night, and I pointed out that Tara's got a pretty sweet pedigree what with having both Eric and Godric behind her.

As for Sansa speaking with Littlefinger in the previews, we haven't seen him in Kings Landing for since the early episodes of the season, so perhaps they bump into each other on the road? I don't think that it's very likely, but certainly a possibility.

As for Sansa speaking with Littlefinger in the previews, we haven't seen him in Kings Landing for since the early episodes of the season, so perhaps they bump into each other on the road? I don't think that it's very likely, but certainly a possibility.

I saw it last night! It wasn't great or anything, and I can understand it getting an F, and I still don't understand how a bunch of hicks for those sharks got in that lake, but I still had a good time.

My boyfriend started getting a gray streak in his hair at about age eleven. He's 29 now, and he has a streak of gray at the right-front of his head, and then little random grays throughout the rest of his head.

Losing my v-card didn't hurt in the slightest. When my boyfriend at the time popped his dick in me, I actually exclaimed, "That was IT!? Whoa!" Not even any discomfort.