
I agree with you. I don't think it is too much of a stretch to think she would mess up in this way. I believe her time spent spying on his house blurred the lines of reality, and left an imprint of a relationship that was only one-sided. Seasoned spy though she may be, this clearly was, and increasingly is, intensely

I agree. It really looked like he grasped the consequences of his continued involvement.

I did my bit. Neilsen sent me a diary for sweeps week and I made damn sure Community was on there.

I can believe that this wasn't the worst episode, but it is very hard to think of one that had me groaning and hating the world as much as this. I feel like the writers are just shrugging without some sort of ongoing narrative.

I KNOW! I'm so glad someone mentioned it. This was a girl who was holding a shard of glass up to cut out a woman's baby, and he shruggingly says that she just must have jumped out.

Wonderful article. I appreciate the view toward the mass audience and reading about things outside of my comfort zone. Well done.