Does Louis C.K. know there is a website called The A.V. Club that exists solely to suck his dick at every opportunity?
Does Louis C.K. know there is a website called The A.V. Club that exists solely to suck his dick at every opportunity?
If only the Office ended every episode ended with swelling indie rock ballads and featured a whoosh noise every time the scene changed.
Whitney and Mumbles Van 5 o'clock shadow have the worst chemistry I have ever seen.
So.. you are from South Dakota? I know your pain. It is no wonder you went into the field of criticism.
You have a point. You're alright Parma, you're alright.
Boring, white, college kids.
A grade B for the latest bland offering from your boring, white, college, Jesus.
I think everyone can agree.
The Susan Boil bit was total crap. It seemed like something Robot Chicken would do. Though the rest of the episode was alright. Was the Twitter Zombie bit a reference to Dollhouse maybe? I like to think so.
I knew this would happen,
but still… Inception had better rule. Something needs to make this summer worth while.
His stand up bores me.
It seems like pretty standard "Kids. AmIright?" "Take my wife please" kind of shit with a little edgy race humor thrown in to seperate it from the pack. That said, this show looks like it may actually be funny. I'm starting to trust FX more and more. Justified, Archer, others. Good stuff.
People are different ones sometimes. He taught me that.
No Gimmick?
It seems like a show dealing with a fat camp is gimmicky. If every show on TV was about fat people it wouldn't be, but it is. Still it may well be an alright show judging from the review.
Take that music fans unlucky enough to live somewhere else!
I'm sure the Arizona Goverment will take notice when all of the baristas and idependent thrift store owners flee the state en mass. The legislators will stand, mouths wide, weeping at the sad spectacle of dozens of American Apparel stores sitting empty and…
I'm confused.
AV Club seems to love Tim and Eric. I see little difference here.