
Surely Dead Man's Shoes Tony Kebbell, one of the best performances of going 'full retard' as the Winslet said in Extras, or possibly Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder.

The English are kind of dicks to the English as well if you're not from the South of England. I'm Scottish and live in the North of England and hate the fact that both ourselves and Scotland are ruled by a government we did not vote for and that have no interest in our wellbeing. I wish the Yes campaign had won out.

I am so bored of the Moffat era of this show. When he wrote The Girl In the Fireplace which is arguably one of the best modern outings of this show and it was announced he was to succeed Russell I clapped with joy. Who better to carry on this show than someone who wrote one of the best episodes we've seen. And then it

I am so bored of the Moffat era of this show. When he wrote The Girl In the Fireplace which is arguably one of the best modern outings of this show and it was announced he was to succeed Russell I clapped with joy. Who better to carry on this show than someone who wrote one of the best episodes we've seen. And then it

I really need a gif of Jess falling over from just standing position and saying 's'happening?' I can't stop replaying that bit.

I really need a gif of Jess falling over from just standing position and saying 's'happening?' I can't stop replaying that bit.

I was an original reader of all the DT books and I waited the 6 or so years between Wastelands and W&G. I love W&G, it's the one book out of all 8 of them that I will continue to go back and read out of context of the rest (for me Wind Through the Keyhole is fine but it's short and feels like more of a story Roland

It's pretty much what got me into The Grateful Dead.