
The producers always intended to focus more on lesser characters, and that remains the case. However, they did want to do Superman and Wonder Woman episodes earlier; for either contractual/legal reasons or due to the whim of someone at DC, those characters and their universes were off-limits until this year.

The Fast and the Furi6

Felt like classic Simpsons to me when Homer walked into the garage with the already-lit fireworks-bomb on the floor. Great timing and great voiceover by Castellanetta.

Also, the first three Bourne movies have very few similarities to the books besides titles, character names, and basic premise of amnesiac spy. So it's not so out of left field for the fourth movie to stray from the plot of the fourth book. Of course, I'm fairly certain Bourne was at least in the continuation novels.


Billy/Cloneasaurus - Frank Oz has retired from the Muppets. The Gonzo guy is really the only original Muppet left (of the main ones).