

Way back in the second season, Jerri stumbled upon Kel doing just that, which played a big role in his ouster.

Sounds like the nitwits who think "The Walking Dead" is quality tee vee.

If P. Oswalt does make an appearance, the AV Club will like this show a whole bunch more.

I find that most rock musician bios/autobios gloss over the music, which is why I found, for example, Keith Richards' book such a tedious slog. Tell us about the songs and the albums and the time in the studio; we don't give a shit about your 4th grade gym teacher.

I know you guys are contractually obligated to fellate Patton Oswalt whenever possible, but his "spider sense for trainwrecks" (at least in this instance) amounted to him retweeting shit that somebody else noticed first.

Am I the only one who thinks Penner got hair plugs or was using some sort of "hair replacement system" at the finale reunion last night?

Am I the only one who thinks Penner got hair plugs or was using some sort of "hair replacement system" at the finale reunion last night?

Somebody somewhere once said half of all "Survivor" jury questions are some variant of: "My question is: I want an apology!"

Somebody somewhere once said half of all "Survivor" jury questions are some variant of: "My question is: I want an apology!"

I'm replying to JudgeReinhold: Lisa's response was great — and clearly she had prepared her response in advance. And when she asked Penner if she should have asked him what jobs he had in his teens, he should have said, "I bused tables at Red Lobster; I wasn't ONE OF THE LEAD ACTORS ON A NETWORK SITCOM."

I'm replying to JudgeReinhold: Lisa's response was great — and clearly she had prepared her response in advance. And when she asked Penner if she should have asked him what jobs he had in his teens, he should have said, "I bused tables at Red Lobster; I wasn't ONE OF THE LEAD ACTORS ON A NETWORK SITCOM."

And state fairs. Don't forget the lucrative state fair circuit.

And state fairs. Don't forget the lucrative state fair circuit.

…and Katy Perry has sold more records than BNL. So using your rationale, BNL > Lovecraft in Brooklyn but Katy Perry > BNL. Sales = merit.

…and Katy Perry has sold more records than BNL. So using your rationale, BNL > Lovecraft in Brooklyn but Katy Perry > BNL. Sales = merit.

"Sunshine Superman" has something to do with Superman — he namechecks Supes AND the Green Lantern in the lyrics.

"Sunshine Superman" has something to do with Superman — he namechecks Supes AND the Green Lantern in the lyrics.

Marquesas, I believe, which was also Boston Rob's debut. IIRC, he quickly aligned with "Cleopatra" — mostly because she was an attractive chick — and was one of the first five players voted off.

Marquesas, I believe, which was also Boston Rob's debut. IIRC, he quickly aligned with "Cleopatra" — mostly because she was an attractive chick — and was one of the first five players voted off.