
I'm with you on the over-the-top displays of emotion during the "lov ed ones" challenges. You're on a tropical island participating in a 39-day game show for which you voluntarily signed up, not permanently exiled to Mars. And Lisa's crying face was downright grotesque.

I'm with you on the over-the-top displays of emotion during the "lov ed ones" challenges. You're on a tropical island participating in a 39-day game show for which you voluntarily signed up, not permanently exiled to Mars. And Lisa's crying face was downright grotesque.

"Idiots confusing dumb luck for skill" describes 75 percent of the contestants who have ever appeared on the show…

"Idiots confusing dumb luck for skill" describes 75 percent of the contestants who have ever appeared on the show…

Also, Gyp likes his sex rough and chokey, so you know…

Also, Gyp likes his sex rough and chokey, so you know…

Kentucky Joe, but he wasn't a minister. The producers said he was a farmer when he worked for the state of Kentucky agriculture department.

Kentucky Joe, but he wasn't a minister. The producers said he was a farmer when he worked for the state of Kentucky agriculture department.

PedanticEditorType: IIRC, Colton had an immunity idol. But the bigger question is, why didn't they just blindside him?

PedanticEditorType: IIRC, Colton had an immunity idol. But the bigger question is, why didn't they just blindside him?

Exactly. Pete looked bored when Probst was describing the gifts for the village, but his face lit up when Probst started talking about the meal.

Exactly. Pete looked bored when Probst was describing the gifts for the village, but his face lit up when Probst started talking about the meal.

Colton and Allison seemed like genuinely unpleasant people without a single shred of self-awareness, too. The show seems to have collected more of these people over the last few seasons. Maybe they should bring them all back and put them on the same tribe. Call it "Sociopaths vs. N00bs."

Colton and Allison seemed like genuinely unpleasant people without a single shred of self-awareness, too. The show seems to have collected more of these people over the last few seasons. Maybe they should bring them all back and put them on the same tribe. Call it "Sociopaths vs. N00bs."

Yeah. I would like to see Penner get the Boston Rob treatment, i.e., they keep bringing him back until he wins.

Yeah. I would like to see Penner get the Boston Rob treatment, i.e., they keep bringing him back until he wins.

RC is super hot. And from what we've seen on the show, RC is very touchy-feely with men and women. She was always hugging Abi in the first two episodes, before Abi went full psychopath.

RC is super hot. And from what we've seen on the show, RC is very touchy-feely with men and women. She was always hugging Abi in the first two episodes, before Abi went full psychopath.

Agreed. I wasn't surprised to see that he shaved everything but his 1976 'stache, which he obviously thinks looks totally macho and stylish. 'Cause he's a  douchewad.

Agreed. I wasn't surprised to see that he shaved everything but his 1976 'stache, which he obviously thinks looks totally macho and stylish. 'Cause he's a  douchewad.