
I have the weirdest erection right now.

I really like this podcast, particularly the ones where they bring the people who worked on that particular movie in. I'm really surprised that they barely glossed over the Crank  episode, because listening to Brian Taylor discuss what happened during the film was awesome. Same goes for the Punisher: War Zone one Lexi

This album makes me want to kill myself in the best, most non-violent way ever.

Man, I got a hook on some unlimited Xanax. Interested?

I love Eels. I do tend to agree that a lot of his (and don't kid yourself, it's always been his) music sounds the same, but the storytelling is great. It's a lot of loud/soft dynamic, but I think it works for him. Maybe I'm easy to please (ladies…), but I've always really dug everything he's put out. Plus, after