Sarah Holmes

agreed. taking all the mystery out of it like that was poorly played. even if they made it really obvious, the thing that was cool about the whispers was that you were never quite sure what they were

Though I'm still most curious about what in the world is going on with Tara and what the memories this new house mean, I definitely agree that something is up with this Lynda woman. I also thought/think there is some sort of weird sexual vibe going on, but really, what does Lynda want out of this? She doesn't seem

also, i thought it was interesting that the gay neighbor's comment cut straight to tara going over to pam's to try to work that out. it seems like between that, charmaigne bringing up the "lug" thing, marsh's confusion, and then the final scene where she's staring at the bathroom doors, tara's right there with them.

agreed, i was disappointed when it got dropped last season, too. i don't understand why everyone hated it so much, i always thought it was very interesting to see what was going on with the family dynamic, though i admit things got WAY more interesting in the second half of the season.

she wasn't technically there, but there was that great part where Mark gets a phone call and Leslie grabs the phone from him and is like "Ann, shit is NOT ok over here". Cut to Mark, "Leslie, would you like to talk to Ann? Why sure, here she is" hahaha

i was still in shock from having seen joel mchale's mostly naked body on a projection screen, and was watching jim devolve into the most adorably concerned dad-to-be ever. this was the first legitimately good ep i've seen in quite some time.


totally relevant
the birth of the manic pixie dream boy?

Jen will never make the mistake of being the other half to a man who refers to Jessica Simpson as his "sexual napalm".

lord knows jen will be NO man's sexual napalm.

ooh riggs in the millitary without his hair…a samson story if i ever heard one. damn he is hot, i would LOVE to see that. plus it would be a whole lot more interesting than jail. but since i just read that season 5 will be their last, i kinda doubt they'll have time to send him in that direction.

there is no way April is over andy. she just hates herself a little bit for the fact that she's so into "one of those guys we always make fun of". and i don't think it's purely physical either, she loves doing goofy shit with him and seems to really enjoy his unadulterated praise. he may be "simple", but i think

Wow, there is a shocking amount of close-mindedness zinging through these comments. Damn you, hipsters!