
Thanks for this. And me too. It was a huge thing, turning on HBO for the evening, maybe Friday or Saturday nights, cause that was when they had their big movie premieres or whatever it was. The family all sitting around, pushing the big button, and then this big opening.

And we had to turn the big-ass TV knob with a wrench to channel 4 and then push a button on another big-ass box on top of the TV just to get HBO.

Goddamnit, I hated Joe. Always wanted Moe to beat the shit out of him for the entire length of the short.

I was replaying the Super Mario Galaxies here lately…so funny the subtle humor they put in the games about Luigi being kind of pathetic. But Luigi gets his revenge, I suppose—his jumps are killer in that second game. And I guess he gets to go home with Daisy.

Joe Don Baker vs. Thick McLargehuge

Darrin vs. Darrin in the Bewitched Battle Royale. In fact, all the recasts everywhere would be awesome. Batmans vs Batmans…would Bale's Batman always win? Christopher Reeve vs. Cavill?

I remember, too, she was in some really bad horror movie and she had a bad haircut and played bass in a punk band in the film. But she was still good and gave it her all with a pretty silly script. Still wish she had won that Oscar over Jennifer Lawrence. "Im the motherfucker who found this place" is a great moment

You know, she is pretty good in that. She seems to have such a limited range, but she is talented and certainly has a presence—even if she is sometimes so bland to me.

Yeah, that quick release method was pretty good studio genius. I remember Belushi was talking to someone, Brillstein maybe? And said Avildsen was a bum. The guy responded that he wasn't a bum…he made Rocky. Belushi responds with "Rocky isn't funny." I mean, it's just a little thing…but seeing the final result, Belushi

Yes! I hate that shit! Laruso running up the path there on the way to the flight and just tosses off the info that he and Allie are over? That's weak shit right there. I'm sure she and Johnny lived happily ever after…and good for them!

I missed that one—I'll check it out, though! Just finished watching The Disappearance of Eleanor Ribgy, and she was really, really good.

Is Chastain any good in this? Is she miscast? She seems to make interesting film choices. Not sure this is an interesting choice, but she does have quite an eclectic career going and always seems to be worth watching.

Ha, I really like this comment. Scarlett was so good in Under The Skin because she had to play sort of a passive alien. Some critic, maybe it was here at the AV Club, called her a cipher, and that's always stuck with me. Other than her voice work in "Her," I don't think she's ever been as good as she was in "Lost in

Yes! That's a perfect way to describe how the film best works. I'd like to see a write-up on films that shine in that context. Distracted, lazy weekends and the movies that fill them. Dragnet is surely one of the best for that. Speaking of Hanks, maybe The Money Pit too.

Gah! Inherent Vice is one of the most frustrating things ever. I guess I give PTA credit for trying something different and staying true to himself, but goddamn does it make for a shitty viewing experience.

That's a good point. Maybe Rush? I mean, I know there are only three of them. Love them or hate them, it's still kind of amazing how tight they are as friends and musicians going on 40 years even though they appear to be finished now.

Ha, I'm laughing again. It's just the perfect kind of "fuck you" that so many movies do without realizing it. Like when Ripley and Newt die in the beginning of that Aliens sequel. Goddamnit, Hollywood!

I agree…that shit is fascinating. The attempted coup of Avildsen, Belushi banging on a theater seat screaming: "THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT TAKE." What an epic disaster.

Ha, Yellowbeard! That was one of my favorites, too. Haven't seen that one in years. I'd be curious to see Neighbors from start to finish with the original soundtrack. I wonder if it would have helped at all. Como is a good choice, not that wacky cartoon shit that it has.

Ha, I'm sorry! When you said "Great music, awful movie" I immediately thought of how I felt about the first movie and thought that was what you were referring to. Then I reread your comment and realized I fucked up and probably just need to get some sleep!