
Yes! I am a true carpet crawler…or something!

"I'm just trying to get me songs on the albuuuuuuuums…."

You know, that's a really good point. I was in a guitar shop the other day, and they have a lot of vinyl in there. I found myself handling The White Album and Physical Graffiti and thinking about buying them! Then I realized that it was just that the albums felt good in my hands—they were big and hefty and new. I

The fucking remaster changed my life!

Yep, I consider myself one of the world's biggest Beatles fans, blah blah blah, but I think I'm done buying anything else. I bought the Anthology years ago, and even that only held my interest sparingly. I actually stole a copy of "1" from a family member—I'm not sure why, really. Just to listen to all those singles

Tom Hanks is a great answer! Dude seems like the coolest, nicest guy in the world. And Bailey—a friend of mine met him many many years ago and said he was genuinely awesome.

Excellent choices. I think "King" is one of Scorsese's best and one of DeNiro's more overlooked performances.

Ha…Connie. She does shine a bit in III, doesn't she? It's just that Coppola says all he needs to say by the end of II. Michael all alone is a powerful, amazing image. I understand the need to examine an aging Michael in III, but lightning cannot be captured in the bottle a third time, and Sofia…well, she's a great

That's a really good point. I made another comment elsewhere on this, so sorry to repeat! But I think maybe it has something to do with the sound of the record. It sounds a little less organic than Waves and Pictures—cold and distant. And since Lifeson is so far down in the mix, it makes the sythns stand out a bit

I really like all the other songs on Signals, too—the only one that drags for me a bit is "The Weapon." The one thing I notice about Signals is the overall sound—it's a bit turgid and Lifeson is too low in the mix, but Peart's drums are insanely good sounding. It's a short record, but getting through the whole thing

Me too. I also do the "…something ILLEGAL as this!"

Nice! What were they and what did you think?

Absolutely! It was always well earned. That's what made it so great.

I think it was some sports columnist who wrote that when Dan Connor got mad, the shit really hit the fan—and it was FELT, man, and damn genuine.

Yep, that first season is soooo damn good, right from the opening moments. And it was amazing how consistent it was for five years, hardly a bad episode in the bunch, really. Once the focus shifts to David/Darlene it starts to slowly slide off a cliff. Seasons 7-9 are painfully bad.

Great call! The live version of Miami 2017 was always one of my favorites. The one on Turnstiles, though I've warmed to it, is so lifeless in comparison.

Just forget Part III and save yourself three hours!

Upvote so hard for "moonbat"

I love the groove on that song!

I actually like…"Countdown." Oh god, what has become of me?