Eric Condon

michael jordan on daily affirmations
"His name is Michael J. - protect your anonymity."

wesley willis pwns
I demand more Wesley Willis, even in the form of random shout-outs like this, on the AV Club. May he continue to whip mighty Thor's ass from the great beyond.

omg second lolz
Tonight was the first Office episode in a really long time that didn't really feel like it was part of any sort of arc. You're right, it might not have been as substantial as some of the others, but it was just a good, tight, solid Office episode, which is exactly what everyone has been clamoring for

Is anyone really all that surprised?
Johnny wouldn't have given a shit. Joey is the one who is going to haunt the shit out of that place.

i had to sit through their shit before Andrew W.K. at krazyfest 2003
Nelson Laugh

Cops/The Line-Up by Richard Pryor
Also "Officer Blue" by XTC and "Officer" by the Brisk.