
Read "Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK". The theory is that Oswald's first shot missed but caused the Secret Service guy in the car behind to accidentally fire a weapon that killed JFK. Written by a ballistics expert that participated in an experiment on whether the Oswald shot could have been made. The evidence

First time I saw them was '85 in San Diego at the California Theater. Old venue with that classic theater seating. All of the stage diving caused the first row of seats to become dislodged so some of us threw a row of 4 up on the stage for Lux. He sat in them the rest of the show in his black net briefs and high heels

I think 3 is good but not as good as the first two as others have stated. Resurrection is crap BUT was written by Joss Whedon so it should be watched just so you can see the Serenity crew pre-Firefly.

Oh that sweet, sweet pseudo meat paste of the Jack tacos…hhmmmmm

Oh that sweet, sweet pseudo meat paste of the Jack tacos…hhmmmmm

According to Wikipedia it had a budget of $20m and a worldwide box office gross of $187m.

According to Wikipedia it had a budget of $20m and a worldwide box office gross of $187m.

Anybody know why Marcus cares so much how the others spend their money? Are they all trying to dodge taxes or does there seem to be a deeper issue at hand. His ballbusting makes no sense to me in the context its presented.