
So many dead DAs, the last one didn't even finish law school. And yet they still refuse to give the job to Laurel.

Was Diggle using a tranquilizer gun the whole episode, or did he save it for the evil wizard boss about to blow up the main train station?

Wow I figured it out: it is Shado's twin!

Well you always suspect they make it all up as they go along, but at least they are honest…

It will be someone Oliver loves above all else, someone he has done everything to protect: Malcolm Merlyn.

I think it is Bizarroliver, Bizarrosara's husband, who will be introduced in the cross-over leading up to Legends of Tomorrow.

About a dozen mayors died recently in Starling, often assassinated while doing their duty. So who gets a memorial and a giant picture at the entrance of the city? The megalomaniac billionaire who blew up his own building, of course.


If you are a female scientist, the time to break down (because you can't have babies) is right when you are about to make the most important scientific discovery of all time.

No, but they should. Clinton knowingly killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children through sanctions and blockade. And of course he did bomb Iraq too (and "took America to war" in Serbia).

Maybe she was a defective clone who could only run in straight lines.

So is Noomi Rapace back? I would complain about the notion of a Prometheus 2, but at least that keeps Scott busy and away from any Blade Runner 2 (also a bad idea, for opposite reasons).

But Obama bombed Libya and is bombing Syria and Yemen without new 9/11s.

Quite the opposite, it was perfect timing. Well, about 14 years too late but the perfect day.

Grenier was completely right, so one of these things is not like the other.

Sorry I pinned a yellow ribbon over your post.

Thank you for your service.

That is not reductive, that is false. Most Republicans still love the NSA as much as Obama does.

Democrats stopped caring about the NSA on January 20, 2009.

Not to be hyperbolic, but it is the worst movie I've seen in the last decade.