
Can the White Walkers do that, isn't that cheating?

"Characters that Ramsey Bolton shall outlive:
Lady Tyrell, Brienne, Jorah, Loras, Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya, The Dragons, The White Walkers"

McDonald's/fast food metaphors are to Internet comments what rape scenes are to Game of Thrones.

I wonder, does Lady Tyrell have to kill or "defeat" Cersei to live up to her reputation? Or was it enough that she conspired to kill Joffrey (to show us she is indeed a "player"), and now she has to die too? It would make sense since so few of her generation are still around on the show, and Tywin was murdered last

This episode cried out for an update on Rickon and Bran, since we saw Arya and Sansa going through significant changes. Having to follow the books was great for the first seasons but since GRRM is still writing the last ones, the storytelling is getting messy on the TV show.

Theon has been just useless as Ramsay for the TV show since the torture scenes. He will probably do something eventually but that still won't make up for years of pointless appearances on the show.

Ramsay Bolton has been such a waste of time ever since he was introduced. Fast-forwarding through every single one of his scenes seems a wise thing to do, which is a shame since a "Game of Thrones" season has only 10 episodes.

Why no "Just Married" on Olie's car? Is Felicity jealous?

It looks like Legends of Tomorrow (what an awful title) is mid-season, so I expect Hawkgirl and every single character of the spin-off to be introduced in Arrow, because that is what the show is for now… Unless it is Flash's turn next year!

Don't worry, next year the creative team will work on four shows!

It also introduced the Thea/Merlyn debacle…

It is a shame Ray couldn't shrink this season, it would have been first before Ant-Man! Now it will look like he copies two Marvel heroes…

It was about Ra's all along, who knew!

You had to admire the bold stupidity of Ra's plan. So to disperse the virus, he had four guys walking around Starling City, waiting to kill themselves. Waiting for what?

OLIVER: Where is Maseo going?
TATSU: Somewhere we can't follow.
OLIVER: Sooo… You have any plans for tonight? Feeling lonely?

I rather liked the Supergirl trailer, the only part I am not sure about is yet another shadowy government agency. And on CBS it probably means both a strong procedural structure, and that Kara has to deal with a chief who thinks she is a loose cannon, out of control! Related: it looks like she has to ask permission to

This season on "Arrow"

God damnit, Oliver. YOU ARE NOT BRUCE WAYNE!

"Aren't you guys related, you could be cousins!" - that joke on Gotham

And Waller would never force them to work for her. Wait a second…