
And she wanted to ditch Odinson McAbs for the female Thor.

Which one has great comedy/drama scenes?

Perhaps… Now that I think about it, that could also have been the sound of John shooting the other guy. Either way, this is when he first started hallucinating.

So the episode opens with the sound of a gunshot. And when you first see Carter, you assume it was the shot that killed her. But it turns out that it was the one that almost killed John, and sent him into Sherlock's mind palace.

The problem is that we have already covered all of Reese's problems in the first two seasons and it is hard to get really excited about this latest "breakthrough". Show us a happier Reese instead of telling us once again about all the bad things that happened to him. And personally, I would be happier if he didn't

Yes the Brotherhood stuff.

That was one weird episode. I am still not sure what to make of it, but it failed to really capture my interest. And I hated the ending: with so few episodes left in the Samaritan season, they choose to have a cliffhanger (and presumably a two-part arc) on that case? Although I'm sure next week will be more focused on

Apparently the Helix team has started a twitter campaign for a third season. And William Shatner is on board! You know what it means: the show is done… Time to say goodbye to the best characters on TV.

I find that hard to believe. I mean this is Helix, imagine a last scene in the "present":

"Not that it is important" (well said), but do we even know what happened to Sara's demon baby? I think Sara was still carrying it but I lost track of it in the middle of all the insanity at the end. It was the gift that kept on giving during the season.

I was and still am speechless. One thing is for sure: that was the funniest episode of Helix ever. I was laughing every time Amy, Quasimodo or the Baby Farm Women were on screen. The best part was the sound effects for the Baby Farm Women: it is as if they asked a couple of interns to make zombie noises.

I waited a bit but nobody was commenting, my bad. Thank you for starting those subthreads, and to everyone else in the comments for keeping the spirit of Hatake alive during this season after the AV Club let us down.


Well I'm not a fan of Samaritan Kid either, and we are also still waiting to see what his blackmail of the president was all about.

Anyone remember Dominic and Marlo? Or Elias and his new old buddy for that matter; it will be difficult to care whenever they all return.

I like my heroes to at least try and be a little heroic, thank you. Even in this post 9/11 world where real TV heroes are those brave enough to torture puppies.

Even the Haitian and Mister HRGlass can't save this disaster.

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So many corny one-liners this episode, that was great:

I kinda liked his assistant too