You mean Big Dan "Date Rape" Brown?
You mean Big Dan "Date Rape" Brown?
A big recommendation for Lilyhammer here. We're done episode 3 and I'm loving it.
When you someone something eat it?
He'd better hurry up, he's only has 4 minutes…
He looks kind of douchey, which is a shame because, (as mentioned in the review) it seems like he's really trying not to be, and he seems like a relatively decent person in interviews and such.
Or as it's also known: Brain Fever.
Katherine Bigelow!
This actually sounds pretty great. The title lacks a little something though.
Yeah, isn't it like $10 a season? Totally worth it. Prison Wine and I have rewatched seasons 3 - 9 multiple times. Put it on before you're going to bed and it's perfect.
I'm not getting the reference. I'm hopeful that's a good thing?
Yeah, I think The Merv Griffin episode is my favourite of the whole show, too. It's just so hilarious and perfect and random. Kramer sells the whole scenario.
I think I would love Up All Night if it weren't for that stupid baby. I would gladly watch the adventures of Arnett, Applegate and Rudolph and the TV show and all that but when you throw in schmoopy scenes of the baby's cuteness or doting over the baby I just lose it.
I think her looks of exasperation with Buster were some of my favourite moments from the whole series.
Oded Fehr if there's any justice in the world.
Dermott Mulroney and Dylan McDermott
Campbell Scott and Scott Campbell
Elephant. Singular. She's been without any other elephants to socialize with for over 3 years. Also, when it's cold out (which is 6 months a year in most of Canada, esp in Edfuckingmonton) she's kept inside in a barn, alone. That's like solitary confinement.
"He was our country's greatest plumber… and now he's blocked up."
"He was our country's greatest butcher… and now he's cut us off."
"He was our country's greatest mime… and now he's yelling at us."
I thought about mentioning Inception, but his performance doesn't really stand out against Leo and Tom Hardy.