
Yeah, but the 5% of us that love him, love him for Brick, The Lookout, Mysterious Skin AND Third Rock.

I think it's a dirtier way of saying peddling.  It almost implies that she's whoring herself out for them, which I love.  I want James Cromwell to be my grandpa.

It's definitely worth seeing, especially if you can find an older theater to screen it.  Cromwell is heartbreaking.  When SPOILER JD sends him away after not paying him for a year and JC just stands outside by the car all day and night, waiting for a sign that he'll take him back…

Yep. One of the best character actors out there and he seems like such a well-rounded, decent and honest guy.  When he plays a villain though, watch the fuck out.

I went to see it with my mom when I was in high school.  She had just finished radiation for cervical cancer and when Babe is taken away from his mom in the beginning and just starts to kind of sob out in the barn: "I want my mom…" I fucking lost it.  I love this movie so so so much, but it makes me weep like a little

Gilmore Girls did this better.

Prison Wine says the same thing to me and then when I make him watch the well-reviewed show/movie he usually agrees.  When in doubt I go to RottenTomatoes to see the consensus, but if AVC says it's worthwhile I usually put it in my queue.

He said something about kissing toast…

No, why?

I'm guessing people watched it while stoned, thought it was a comedy and gave it stellar reviews.

Didn't he do The Change-Up, too?  That was universally reviled.

Arcade Fire's Rebellion (Lies) will be a hefty task to take on.  Can't wait.

I really enjoyed it too.  A slow burn of a cover, but quite good.

Smash?   Never heard of it.

Goddamn you, Lobsters.  Everyone's favourite curmudgeon.

I had no idea about Lilyhammer until just now and I've added it to our queue.  Sounds right up our alley.

No love for Stevie Van Z, Z?  If you don't like his music, you have to at least respect his acting as Tony's consigliere, no?

Only in LA.  Sigh.

All those things are true, but mostly I just thought he should be in the wheelchair based solely on his name.

I always thought Spinner should've ended up in a wheelchair, no?