
Balls. Well it was on instant stream up until about a month ago.  I swear.


I would definitely enjoy that. Netflix streaming has it.

Both Prison Wine and I were disappointed by Big Fan (the film, not PO's performance.)  I like Reitman and Theron, and this looks pretty good.  Juno was over-rated and grating.

I can't be sure, but it could be opium

I'm pretty sure our family got sneak preview tickets for this movie when I was 11.  So yeah, my parents took me to see this when I was 11 and I loved it. Haven't seen it since so I remember very little.  Man, between this and The Hard Way, I had so much love for early 90s James Woods.

Josh Groban is a more gifted singer (I think) and writes his own music, whereas I think Bublé just rapes Sinatra's corpse for songs to add to his repertoire.

But Bubble in French is Bulle.

It's a christmas miracle!! New Black Keys? How did I have no idea this was coming out??

Wat deez telscopes for?  Lameass shit. #baleyisforhomos

How mi spposed ta watch bitch aint singin 'mercan. #oprazwack

I loved Peterman's snippet.  "The horror.  The horror"

Is that the episode with Mel Tormé?

"Officer Krupe!  Krup You!"

This sounds somewhat like the premise of Sourcecode, no?

Why are there two awards for breakthrough performance?  And if there are two, wouldn't it be actor and actress?  Those are two ladies (despite Rooney lookin like a dude in TGWTDT).

LA is great, it's the entertainment industry that blows.  If you have any aspirations of working behind the scenes in Hollywood and making buttloads of cash they are all wrong.  Long hours, shitty pay, no benefits, no overtime, no holidays and no respect.

When you someone laurel canyon eat it?

Glad to hear it's as good as I had hoped.  Can't wait to see this!

Yeah.  I'll take TIFF over Sundance any day.