
Nobody Walks.  Apt title for a film about LA.

Best commenters, commentin' bests

Michael Fassbender is one of the best actors working today and hotter than the sun.  He makes me all tingly.  He's not traditionally attractive (by today's beefcake standards) but I'll take him any day over the hollywood ideal.

Hark how the Dawes, sweet hipster Dawes,
AVC will say, Buy Dawes today,
Dawes is finally here, bringing meme cheer
To young and old, (snarky and cold)
Ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song

She's actually kind of a big star in Quebec.  Not so much outside of that market, though.

I'm loving these thorough answers.  He seems like a really passionate guy.

Great!  Thanks for asking.  We just spent Thanksgiving in Dallas with the in-laws.

I have to say I really admire her work as an actress as well as her work as a humanitarian.  Human trafficking is a fucking brutal thing to try to raise awareness about because, as she said, people just can't even fathom it. I think they just shut off most of the time, but it's a huge problem  overseas and one here as

I wish he'd had a chance to ask her about Beautiful Girls.  I love that movie and her performance is pretty great.

We tried watching the first OSS a while ago but couldn't get into it.  I figured we were just in the wrong mood.

Love her.  Such a talented and fearless actress.  So beautiful.

Yep.  Pretty much. 

Amanda Marshall.  God I hate her so much. 

Meh.  Shoulda made it on HBO.  I don't know what the audience is for this movie.

Eesh… He chose poorly.

I'm pretty sure 75% of the audience of A Dangerous Method will be females primed to ogle Fassbender and Mortensen.  At least I know I will be…

Her body makes me sad, but she has a stunning face.  Have you seen the Chanel ads that she's done?  She's radiant, but way way way too skinny.

Playing a mental, guaranteed Oscar.  Everyone's going, why hasn't Winslet won one?

Oh, yes!  How could I forget P&P!  She's great, but it's still no replacement for the BBC version with Firth.

You need to watch Atonement immediately.  Such an amazing film.  Never Let Me Go was just boring.