
There's nothing obnoxious about sad-eyed, super earnest rapping - that's why I'll take one ticket to the end of the line on the Hamilton Suck-ass Express please, sir.

And everyday shitheads everywhere.


Kurt Russell's only a year older than Rourke, but I know what you mean, Bastard. His wife looked like his mom in that show.

It's the fat suit on the inside that really counts.

Clean up. Go home.  CLEANUP..GOHOME!

A detective rubbed one on his gums then looked up and nodded.

I almost got it but they gave me a grasshopper, bank-shot me with a teflon-coated slug then David Mamet used a pseudonym.

I almost got it but they gave me a grasshopper, bank-shot me with a teflon-coated slug then David Mamet used a pseudonym.

This guy right here! ::double points to self, then chugs a brew::

This guy right here! ::double points to self, then chugs a brew::

And Beck's a Scientologist, too!  What a "loser," right?  Somebody kill him!

And Beck's a Scientologist, too!  What a "loser," right?  Somebody kill him!

Dylan's right.  You sound like a pussy.

Dylan's right.  You sound like a pussy.

He makes more money than you, asshole.

He makes more money than you, asshole.

Nobody got possessed, but whoever owned the box got sick, rashes, had horrible nightmares, lost hard drives and light bulbs — until they sold it on Ebay to the next unlucky schlemiel.  Apparently the box has been sealed and hidden in an undisclosed location for the past 7 years.  True story, bros.

Nobody got possessed, but whoever owned the box got sick, rashes, had horrible nightmares, lost hard drives and light bulbs — until they sold it on Ebay to the next unlucky schlemiel.  Apparently the box has been sealed and hidden in an undisclosed location for the past 7 years.  True story, bros.

I am.  Last night the true story of the 'Dybbuk Box' was featured on "Paranormal Witness" alongside commercials for this movie.  I guess I have to see this movie now.