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    Todd's "A" review came from only watching the first (I think) 4 episodes. While I think his effusive praise of this show is absolutely bonkers, these reviews by Sonia are on an episode-by-episode basis by somebody different, so I would expect a different reaction.

    I get a kick out of her interactions with her dad. His constant exasperation with her cracks me up. He thinks that paying attention to her the 5 minutes a day they see each other is enough and has no idea what to do.

    The AV Club took a dump after the old guard left. Now, a bunch of the (mostly TV) reviews take an angle (how women/POC are treated in entertainment or a particular show, etc.) and expound on it. Many people agree, many people disagree and the comment section becomes a clusterfuck.. Probably been about a year of

    Yep. The point was that these fringe religion / cult members were getting killed (sometimes by the govt) and then were being discarded. It was basically a mass grave for these types of people, just in a more efficient way.

    Why doesn't ESPN cater to me, the non-sports fan?

    Untrue, but thanks.

    I agree, but because I DISLIKE the show, so far. I feel like there are so many things I don't get the point of, that a thoughtful discussion might help (or reaffirm my beliefs that the show is disappearing up its own ass). Instead, we got this weird rant that touched on nothing that happened on the show, or thoughts

    She completely dismissed the show because she doesn't look like the characters. Then gave the episode a B because meh. I'd say that's the opposite of a review.

    This review reads like somebody throwing in the towel.

    I'm white but definitely not Protestant, so I understand and care about half the show. The other half is just alien to me.

    I'm a white dude so it's impossible for me to understand ANYTHING about the mayor. I care more about the guy who fell in the street than her or Wayne. Why did that guy fall? Where was he going? What happened to him? These are things people that look like him want to know.

    This review REEKS of trying to start some bigger conversation about a HBO show, like the rape of thrones review that was so successful for the site. Hoping that people will share this on social media whether they agree or disagree. It's a business model, I guess.

    I feel sorry for somebody who can only enjoy entertainment that they can personally relate to because the characters look like them. You care about the dudes at the cleaners STRICTLY because they look like you? WTF is that about? I've watched and enjoyed so many foreign films even though I don't look like, or even

    It really and truly reminded me of Battlefield Earth. Travolta and Swinton were interchangeable to me, both hamming and cackling it up. I get that one was intentional and one was unintentional but I just didn't get the point of her character being a joke. Were we supposed to fear her? Mock her? Obviously, Evans is

    Blood Royal by Eric Jager. It's amazing to me that so many records of a murder that happened in 1407 still exist, even if it was the Duke of Orleans. Can be a clinical read at times, but it's amazing nonetheless. True crime and history fans will love it.

    I read a bunch of reviews, too, but for some reason expected a Children of Men style film. Ridiculous premise that can be boiled down to a single sentence, but straightforward and compelling story.

    I assumed it was human.

    I watched the entire thing just to get to that point. I thought for sure it was going to be Norm from Cheers saying "frack" and Alex P Keaton saying "till".


    Maybe I hated it so much because I didn't understand what the movie actually was going to be before going in. I wanted to see some dark dystopian thriller stuff, and got caught watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. That may be a problem with my expectations and not with the actual film, so that's fair.