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    I thought the entire movie was campy, hammy acting with a dull, plodding, nonsensical story. I didn't think it was fun, interesting or thought-provoking. That's nitpicking to you, but to me it's just hating the entirety of a movie. I've posted 3 or 4 things about it, but I'm in a Snowpiercer fanzone, so I'm not

    I think one was unintentionally unfunny while the other was unintentionally funny.

    I keep losing? I didn't know it was a battle for hearts and minds. I'm just at a loss for why people regard this is as a terrific film. most cult films, I get. This one…I'm just completely lost on it. I don't anticipate history being kind to it, but who knows? I'm ok being in the minority on this one.

    Says you! Seriously, though. I can't tell the difference between Travolta's performance and Tilda Swinton's, as long as we're cherry-picking roles and comparing them.

    Kudos on finding 'frozen fractals'. Just when I think I have a lot of time on my hands, somebody goes and does this.

    Couldn't agree more. It feels like confirmation bias, where so many people saw it earlier than others, so they WANTED to see something transcendent before everybody else, so they bought into it. The entire film was filled with some of the hammiest and campiest performances this year, with Swinton, Bell, Spencer,

    That's the point of the film I realized I was watching camp. I mean, Tilda Swinton acting like a ham sandwich the entire time tipped me off, but the Pill scene put it way over the top.

    Yeah, right? Does the pushing help that much? LeMond took that spill in the final time trial and some dude was right there on top of him helping him out. And the lack of uniforms or anything made it difficult to tell what the guy was even doing or who he was. If I were watching it live I would've thought the guy

    I got 2 things out of this documentary.

    I'm putting you on notice, show. Start to get interesting and try to avoid crawling up your own self-important ass or I'm tuning out. You've been warned.

    This man is ill.

    The guys from Surfer, Dude.

    Very nice.

    Well, Modern Family owns and operates this Emmys.

    shh… Let's see how this plays out.

    Hopefully they treat it as gingerly as the effects of gamma radiation and getting dropped in vats of radioactive acid.

    Everybody dies.

    Fuck, these message boards suck beyond words, now. Nice work AV Club.

    Ok, enough with these bullshit outrage articles that have turned the message boards I used to love into a gawd damn cesspool, with everybody looking like belligerent assholes. So disappointed in the loss of my beloved AV Club. But, ignoring that, can somebody explain to me the real problem with this episode? Like,

    They could have gone in the Guardians of the Galaxy direction, making it fun and ridiculous, which is kind of what the Fantastic 4 has always been.