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    Is Retro TV on the UHF dial?

    I'm with you, I can barely watch The American's this year, for whatever reason. And can we get rid of Martha, already?

    While Quarles was comical, the show did a great job of making this guy seem dangerous and insane. the problem I see with this season is that there's no ticking time bomb about to go off. I think the Crowes were meant to be that, but nobody on that crew seems like a threat.

    I always thought the Ava storylines were pretty great, even thought the accent is terrible. The problem with this season and her storyline is that she's out there on an island, interacting with people we don't care about and just trying to survive, completely separate from EVERYTHING else that is going on. It's like

    It's weird, I kind of think every episode is a B+ or higher since each episode is generally so much fun and I love hanging out with most of these characters. But the whole season doesn't seem to add up to much, so a B feels right.

    I thought he did it because he got embarrassed by the other guard because Ava was 'protected'. I thought it was him saying "you think you're protected? Fuck you." Instead, it because he's in loooooove. That's a really dumb reason for a show this intelligent.

    So far the big problem this season are the Crowes. Never for a second did it feel like they were intelligent or savvy enough to do anything but be a thorn in everybody's side. Also, none of the way they weaseled their way into Wynn & Boyd's partnership made any sense at all.

    As opposed to the meaty "boys" shows that resolved every problem with the good guys shooting and punching their way to victory?

    Exactly why they didn't fix it after the last time. "Hey, our shows are SO popular they're breaking our streaming app" is the dialogue, and not "the HBOGO streaming app is shit".

    People love to watch stuff on their iPads. Can you get HBOGO without having a cable subscription or are these just FREELOADERS taking advantage by borrowing their friends passwords? Thanks Obama!

    All cartoons from that time are pre-Ducktails and post-Ducktails for me.

    Chu/Blum joint.

    I don't remember a single thing from all of those cartoons in the 80s, except that I wanted all the toys.

    Those are Michael Bay films destined to make hundreds of millions in ill-gotten gains. This is a Chu/Blum joint.

    Where do Strawberry Shortcake and She-Ra fall into the mix?

    The fact the AV Club has such breathless coverage about this quickie movie is fascinating to me. Somebody over there really loved Jem as a kid.


    Hey, I like Haim! I've finally heard of one of these groups before you told me about them! Of course, now that you like them I'm totally over the whole thing.

    It was one of about a dozen shows we mature 5-year olds watched when you were a mere infant. I can't believe people are calling it a "touchstone", though. Carebears was WAY more popular!

    When you need Jem news now…The AV Club has you covered.