xgau disciple


This post is literally a work of genius.


That is trivial.


They are beasts on the mic, just not in the same way as most rappers. They may not be juggling syllables like rap virtuosos but every line is hilarious and their delivery is more nuanced than they get credit for— they're in on the joke, but also totally sincere and non-ironic.

Definitely worth thinking about— we've known that since the Sex Pistols. But also I'm (initially—I could rewatch this and decide I'm totally on board with what it's saying) weary of any story that tears down philosophies without affriming anything in their place. For now I'll defer to my main man Robert Christgau's

My two guesses would be that the mainstream comics industry's extreme circle-jerk nature is especially conducive to writer's baser impulses or dumber ideas going unchecked and taking over, or that the very nature of comics benefits from youthful enthusiasm in the same way that (for instance) punk rock does so that

I don't care how much I liked Infinite Jest, anyone who disses the Beastie Boys is MY ENEMY.

Watched Fight Club for the first time. Tyler Durden is obviously full of shit, the movie itself I'm not sure about ("consumerism and nihilism are both bad" may not be the *deepest* message, but its not wrong).

That looks vaguely obscene.

The racial stereotypes in Temple of Doom are still the most ridiculous things in the series.

My cousin used to work at Diarrhea Planet's merch table.

The implicit racism is a much more important additive than the twangy guitars, which can sometimes be omitted.

I don't see the problem.

This is a defensible position.

Agalloch's "Black Lake Nidstang". Or a side from Metal Machine Music.

Award of the Year award goes to AV Club for awarding Bad Religion a "Least Necessary Christmas Album, Atheist Punk Division" award.

Exactly. Some people make great art in spite of severe problems, but never or almost never specifically because of them.

These are all pretty fucking awful but as someone who raised himself on extreme metal and crushed on a girl who was into Warped Tour type stuff in high school I am totally desensitized to shitty band names.