xgau disciple

I'd like to point out that Dot Wiggin of the Shaggs released her solo debut this year.

In no particular order Daft Punk's "Get Lucky", Bruno Mars' "Treasure", Chance the Rapper's "Chain Smoker", and Vampire Weekend's "Ya Hey".

Balls to her rocket cock

Yo what the LEAPING JUGGLE FUCK is everyone's problem with Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj?

That's amazing


Do you, like, have some of these stockpiled in advance, or what? And are these real? And if so, where do you find them?


You have made an enemy


True Manic Pixie Dream Girls listen to Wormed.

I have a copy that I stole from my high school Latin teacher but have never watched the whole thing cos for whatever reason the DVD is TWO-SIDED, like a fucking LP, and the first time I went to watch it I put it the wrong way and the end of the movie started playing and I couldn't figure out what was going on and I

Its got some great lines and a great sympathetic villain, so its not terrible. But Michael Bay fucks it up pretty good.

Pavement is the exact opposite of Rush.

This technically means "killing of an elephant".

They should Use Robert Christgau's post-1990 point system, which only true believers can even begin to understand.

"Christmas-Adjacent" captures the gist of this article like few titles I've seen.

I was literally tuning in too see how the prison garden turned out. The process of building something in a world that's gone to shit is a lot more thematically interesting than HEY THE UNIVERSE IS INDIFFERENT AND ALL OF YOUR WORK WILL BE FOR NOUGHT AND YOU WILL DIE. I know all that already. Nihilism is boring.

Today I learned that somebody has developed a typology of What Not to Wear episodes.

You know I actually want to see this.