xgau disciple


MarioKart as the horse from Shadow of the Colossus.

I'll be getting ready for the next gen by fixing my ps2.

"Yes it is. Get out of the car"
"Uh.. ceci est mon cousin's"

Italian food is the answer.

Is this the beginning of a very strange gimmick account or is there something I'm not getting?

Obligatory username-mandated comment regarding WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T YOU HIRED ROBERT CHRISTGAU HE WAS WRITING FOR PENNIES ON FUCKING MSN HE CAN'T BE EXPENSIVE that I'm posting because this feature is called "Expert Witness".

I literally laughed out loud at this.

Old times sake? The redesign rolled out four days ago.

NO! That would make us more like Reddit!

Exactly. I rarely give a rats ass about the articles, but the comments section here is one of my favorite hobbies.

Speaking in my full capacity as a representative the the AV Club Commenters Who Post From Computers At the Library Society, I'd like to say FUCK ALL Y'ALL MOBILE DEVICES.

I do the same thing but I've never felt that AV Club articles are long enough for me to care.

I actually like it better than paleoDisqus pagination.

"War Pigs"

Every time I see it I get excited cos I think its gonna be a promo for some kind of giant monster movie and every time I'm disappointed.

I think that they're usually way more analogous to jazz solos than rock/pop verses given the way that they tend to have their own individual character within a song and how on songs with more than one rapper the performers tend to play off one another. Also relevant is the jazzy sense of one-upmanship that rappers

No I know a lot of it is shit (probably all of it other than "Heartbreaker" and "Hit Me With Your Best Shot") but I still love the solo in "best shot".

Nobody reads AV Club for the articles, we read it for the comments section.

Do rap verses count? 'Cos that could take this place to a whole other place entirely.