xgau disciple

So does mine but the rentals are still expensive as hell. Usually only about 20% less than buying them. A hard copy of The Communist Manifesto was seven cents less to rent for the semester than to purchase (I just bought the damn thing), though in fairness that is an outlier because it was like $1.50.

On a tangentially related note, Robert Christgau is working on his memoirs and I am very excited.

It was a little off topic but not worth 20 fucking downvotes.

It also sounds like a death metal song.

I'm pretty sure Greg Ginn knew about jazz.

oh look, a new low

Indeed it does but I swear it wasn't me.

This is the first time I've ever seen a pun run fail to materialize after someone tried to start one on AV Club. Then again there are two above you.

You guys know you got smoked by another pun run like ten inches above you, right?

That's actually a fantastic strategy.

I thought he was younger.

Its spelled "amirite"

As someone who is made deliriously happy by Pacific Rim I am very glad this did not come to pass.

This film will somehow still manage to necessitate a porn parody.

Apparently Mein Kampf is consistently on of the top-downloaded ebooks.

In New Jersey there's also at least two copies of the 5-vinyl set of Springsteen Live 1976-1986.

HOLY SHIT. I didn't notice until I scrolled back up. It might have something to do with him still bleaching is hair (or is he actually that blond?).

Summary: "Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell records, well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too"

You've also got me thinking of Eminem and Meat Loaf, which is pretty cool.

Now you've got me thinking of M&Ms and meat loaf, and that's gross.