xgau disciple

THAT CD IS FUCKING EVERYWHERE. I get most of my music from antique shop crate-digging and every other CD is fucking Monster. I'm determined to never hear it.

Estimated odds of this being good: neglidgible. Amount that this news makes me want to watch Pacific Rim again: a whole lot.

It really doesn't

That's a fantastic skit that young Republicans love to use as an excuse for being racist.

Its "Willii"

Me and some guys I play pool with are religious about watching Key and Peele every Wednesday at 10:30 in the only room in our building (a housing quad at a state university) with a TV. There is also a piano in the room. Pianists have been menaced with broken billiards cues.

"Lyrical Dissonance" would be an excellent name for a REALLY SHITTY instrumental band.

"RapGenius.com is white devil sophistry, Urban Dictionary is for demons with college degrees"—Kool AD in Das Racist's "Middle of the Cake"

The fact that the artists who are cool with this (i.e. probably all of them) are not necessarily the rights holders is a pretty clear-cut "property is theft" situation.


Hey, That Was Me, Diarrhea Dump

Thank God There Were No Tits in it

I think the fact that guns provide an easy and detached way to murder somebody from a distance makes them PRETTY FUCKING GRUESOME.

This made me laugh but I'm not really in the mood to upvote a child murder joke.

The gun in that picture is 30% more phallic than an actual penis.

OH SHIT ME TOO. I actually forgot until I read this.

This describes any given two employees of any video store.

Any hip hop at all. Republican parents.

I still skip "Kim" about half the time.

Beyonce is better than Pearl Jam.