xgau disciple

That "Creep" is actually their best song is a secret they will take to the grave.

"Black Skinhead" is on a phone commercial. (sans vocals)

We may have gotten to the point where "niche pop audience" is not longer an oxymoron but that's still a pretty fucking big niche.

"Treasure" is easily in my top ten songs of 2013

I disagree with him a lot less than half the time but yeah, I love him even when I do.


nb the color of those actors respective skins

My username dictates that I must mention that the New York Dolls are awesome.

FUCK LO-FI VOICE FILTERS. And this is coming from a defender of Autotune.

aka "minstrel routines"

I regret not buying a soundtrack to Battlefield Earth on vinyl at Atomic in Point Beach, NJ before it closed down, It was a soundtrack to the BOOK, mind you, and according to the cover composed by L. Ron Hubbard himself. Featuring Chick Corea.

"The CD Era", or "The Reason Why There Are Three Copies of Monster sitting in every Antique Shop in America"

rad chilis, dogg

reposted a7x fan really needs to post a horror-movie-remake-related response to this


I didn't think it was a particularly good movie and the ending with the robot suit was pretty dumb (disclaimer: I DON'T KNOW OR CARE IF IT HAS PRECEDENT IN THE COMICS) but the fight on top of the train with the jumping over and ducking under signs is one of the best action sequences I've ever seen.

Because of his excellent work in Green Lantern.

Was this by any chance inspired by the Achewood strip about Little Nephew making pants that are just the legs because he couldn't get them any lower? Because the dialogue is really close. http://achewood.com/index.p…

FREE PUSSY RIOT!!! was my takeaway

No reason it couldn't be both.