xgau disciple

Liked for imagery, not opinion.


I just started reading Please Kill Me the day before I found out he died. Portrayals of him there are… rather more blunt.

Notice how the linked Fox News story mentions that some residents think that measures to protect children from wolves must be part of a government plot to distract the public from other issues.

Its ok. Bob Christgau's CG page for Sonic Youth taught me to forgive.

XGAU DISCIPLE HERE REPPIN EXIT 98!!! (yes we really do sometimes refer to geograpic areas by Parkway exit)

Asking my mom how babies were made (she was pregnant with my brother who is three years younger than me). She said that a couple just decided that they wanted one and then God put in in the woman's stomach.


I was talking about the dissonance between my comment and my username. Bob Christgau generally having a beef with metal culture.

oh, yeah, definitely

*implodes due to dissonance between comment and username*

I excitedly clicked on this because I thought it was gonna be a review of a new SkeletonBREATH album only to be reminded that only me and my cousin from Nashville know who Skeletonbreath are. Now I'm gonna go cry to "Fever Dream Waltz".

I'm gonna one up you: in grade school I wrote a series of short comics on notebook paper called "The Cheese-Hating Phantom", about a man who was murdered by a sentient piece of cheese and then came back to life as a ghost and swore to destroy all cheese (self-aware and otherwise). The series was slated to end with our

There's a bit less bigotry and we appreciate Pacific Rim more than you do.

The principal of my high school was named Terry King and was (still is) a very buttoned-up woman with the robotic voice of a flight attendant. This was very amusing to me and the handful of other students familiar with Slayer.

My grandpa was living in New Jersey in 1938 and remembered at least a few people in the neighborhood getting pretty shook up, so while the myth is blown wildly out of proportion it isn't total bullshit.

That username is way too AV Clubby for this to be spam.

Punk died when Guilhem de Peitieus, Duke of Aquitane, coopted the music and culture of working troubadours in the 1090s. The last TRUE punk was Eble II of Ventadorn.

Didn't read your post but it's the first time I've seen you and I liked it for your avatar.

I mean, they did make a new "record". Like, they recorded some new music.