xgau disciple

ASSHOLE! You are an asshole. And fuck it, "Fly on the Wall" is a good song. "Hey, I personally didn't enjoy this performance, I wish a whole bunch of people got murdered so I wouldn't have been able to experience it of my own free will". Shit, I hope that you're just a shitty gimmick account.

Most people were actually offended by a girl in her underwear though, just not the kind of people that post to the AV Club. We assume of others what we know of ourselves.

Sometimes they are though.

1337 by Dre

If he's smart he'll take some shots at Death Grips.

Faygo-swillin' culture

'Relapse' might have been the first ever *boring* hip hop record.

Kim is gonna come back as a zombie

How long you figure before they bring in Randall Monroe as a guest? (at least that guy know his shit)

I only drink Doctor Pepper and this has helped me transcend punk rock to the point where I listen exclusively to Aleatoric Luk Thung.

Imma straight-up hit the next sucker who disses Madonna on this thread.

The Immaculate Collection is better than Station to Station. There, I said it.

Does this sound to anyone else like a gimmicky bar-circuit tribute band that only coincidentally happens to contain all three members of the actual band they're tributing?

I read the whole article and it wasn't until almost a minute into the video that i realized that this wasn't about Lil Bow Wow.

he should have had Venom come on the show to play it instead.

Now I'm imagining the Sixteenth Colossus sadly singing this in the direction of the temple as it gets stabbed… I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus a lot recently.

A gender-flipped version of your comment could reasonably applied to the White Stripes version of this song.

Jack White beat you to the punch.

Bear in mind that Christgau's (admittedly arcane) rating system doesn't set one star as a bad record—anything that doesn't get a letter rating is an "honorable mention", meaning that its a decent record that some people will like. One star is the lowest grade of Honorable Mention, but not a bad review; The Man Himself