J to the ROC

Though they've never confirmed it, people have speculated based on YouTube's hiring that their stack is mostly Java, which doesn't have unsigned integers.

Totally with you on everything after season two being unnecessary.

I never realized that he hosted Reach for the Top. Did any other nerdy Canadians participate in this great pursuit in high school?

As a huge fan of the Mother series and NES games in general, thank you so much for your efforts.

"And who are you? Three buffoons."
"Oh yeah? Well this balloon is going to kick your ass, right now."

Although not quite in the Kurosawa/Ozu/Mizoguchi/Naruse pantheon either, I'd go to bat for Koreyoshi Kurahara. His Eclipse set is deadly.

Mike Watt from the album's wikipedia entry: "the big rebellion thing was writing your own fuckin' songs and trying
to come up with your own story, your own picture, your own book,
whatever. So he can't drive 55, because that was the national speed
limit? Okay, we'll drive 55, but we'll make crazy music."

More importantly, that song is partially responsible for Minutemen's Double Nickels on the Dime.

The article's final link to Glenn Kenny's site appears to be incomplete.

I hope they'll give him a chance to school us on avant-garde cinema. I like his work, but I think I'd appreciate a piece here even more given the dialogue that would likely follow.

I saw them on tour last summer, and they said then that the album would definitely be released within a few months. Hah. The new songs seemed pretty good, though.

I've really gotta rewatch this one. I didn't know anything about the film going in, so I ended up watching the non-black and white DVD without knowing any better.

The guitarists of both bands died of cancer within a year and a half of each other. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

I hope that Mr. Dowd will get Mike D'Angelo to write a guest column for that one.

Hot Tub Time Machine? I could have sworn that Dean Dangerous rode a Time Desk.

Mike gave his score of 17 on Twitter, so according to his grid list, Somebody Up There Likes Me is his actual worst of the year: http://www.panix.com/~dange…

Did you attend the concert in Fredericton too? I was 16, but I knew enough about them to bring earplugs. They were pretty frigging loud.

A recent favorite:

A recent favorite: